Monday, December 03, 2007

Personal Ethics Statement

Is vita est qua ego creo meus somnia –so I’ll dream big.

I will do no harm; where I find I have caused injury I shall ask for forgiveness, seek that which was lost, bring again that which was driven away, bind up that which was broken and strengthen what has been made sick.

Compassion and generosity toward and concern for the welfare of my fellow human beings and the planet we share shall form one side of the foundations on which I build and from which I act.

I will seek to give succor and comfort where it is needed, to all children of the earth.

I will choose courage over conformity, responsibility over immunity, and in all my undertakings act with the intention of bringing about peace whenever and wherever possible. Where I cannot achieve or foster accord, I will apply, to the fullest extent of my abilities, every gift, learning and skill at my command in an effort to understand and, if possible, accommodate.

Each day I draw breath I will give thanks for and care for my life, my wife, my children, my family, my friends, my health, for the wonder and privilege of living another day to enjoy the ones I love and serve my fellow travelers.

I will seek no sordid gain, nor knowingly serve those who do, choosing instead to make my life and conduct an example of virtue, humanity and honesty, true always to myself and thereby to all others.

I will be mindful and considerate, deliberative and, in so far as is possible, fair and just. Where I find I cannot satisfactorily do this I will recuse myself from the judgment of my fellow human beings(s).

Where there are no voices for rightness and morality I will be a voice. Where there is injustice or unfairness I will, if appropriate, intervene. I will be the change I seek.

I will make excellence a habit every day in all of my endeavors, though I may not succeed in each: It is the practice of excellence that forms the habit; my practice and pursuit of excellence will not be unnecessarily or selfishly compromised by undue external pressures.

I will laugh at myself, not take myself too seriously too often, and will make a point of poking fun at things like writing personal statements of ethics in rather stilted language, realizing I could’ve said in a few lines what I have written in many:

Don’t be a jerk; don’t willingly hurt others for my own gain; be honest; be fair; care for my family, friends, humanity and the planet; be a good friend and confidante; obey the law, and if I don’t like it, try to change it; help those in need; maintain my dignity and character and respect and encourage the same in others; use my best judgment; realize I’m not always going to be right, and don’t get into trouble if I know I can avoid it.

Really, this personal statement can’t create too much trouble for me employment-wise because I would not seek employment with any organization or entity I sensed would be in conflict with my ethics, morality and/or values. In my current occupation there is no conflict, though a future employer could find me, like a bamboo fly rod, rigidly flexible, when in fact I am willing to do much more :)